Osteopathic Center for Children in Finland
Osteopathic Center for Children in Finland is an idea, born in 2006, of a clinic based on osteopathic philosophy. The father of the idea, Lasse Maijala, has emphasized the importance of treating children from the beginning of his osteopathic education. If the disorders of the body caused by birth or childhood lapses can be treated fairly soon, we can optimize the development of the individual in the future.

The purpose of Osteopathic Center for Children in Finland is to optimize the health and life of all people according to the individual potential. When treating osteopathically, it is important to take the full medical history into account and seek to find the actual cause of the ailment via osteopathic examination.
Osteopathic Center for Children in Finland began actively in the beginning of year 2007 as a small osteopathic clinic. The aim of the Center is to expand in its first few years to a well functioning osteopathic center with the emphasis on treatment of children. The Center will seek to work in seamless cooperation with other health care professionals to guarantee the high quality therapy for everyone.